This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the voting progress for STIP-B proposals, including key metrics such as the total ask, passed projects, and the remaining time for voting. It aims to facilitate informed decision-making by delegates and enhance transparency in the grant allocation process.
- Voting Ends At: Displays the coordinated universal time (UTC) deadline for voting.
- Remaining Time: Indicates the time left for voting to conclude.
- Total Ask: This shows the total amount of funds requested by all proposals.
- Passed Projects: Displays the total amount of funds requested by projects that have passed.
- Grant Budget: Indicates the total available budget for grants.
- Last Updated at: Shows the last update time in UTC to ensure data is current.
Project-Specific Information:
- Project Name: The name of the project seeking funding.
- Application Link: URL to the detailed application for the project.
- STIP Ask: Initial funding amount requested by the project.
- STIP Bridge Ask: Adjusted funding amount requested after changes.
- % Ask Change: Percentage change in the funding request.
- Dashboard (Frontend): URL to the project's frontend dashboard.
- Dune Dashboard: URL to the project's analytics on Dune.
- Challenged By: Indicates if the proposal has been challenged and by whom.
- Reason: Provide reasons for challenges if applicable.
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